Sept 7th Play-Day at IXD
I hope everyone enjoyed their Labor Day. This a quick note to remind everyone of upcoming events this month. First is our Play Day at IXD this Saturday starting around 10am-ish. As always we will be flying off of the CAF ramp on the north end of the field and everyone is welcome.
Next on the calendar is my hangar party on Sept 14th. Again all are welcome to come out to the Gardner airport and have a good time at hangar C-17. This year starting at 3pm I will have some of the food ready and we will be doing a spot landing and bomb drop competition. So come on out and have a little fun! I supply all the meat and will prime the pump for adult beverages for when we’re done flying. You’re welcome to bring a side or dessert and anything you’d like to drink. I hope to see everyone there!