I hope everyone enjoyed their Labor Day. This a quick note to remind everyone of upcoming events this month. First is our Play Day at IXD this Saturday starting around 10am-ish. As always we will be flying off of the CAF ramp on the north end of the field and everyone is welcome.
Next on the calendar is my hangar party on Sept 14th. Again all are welcome to come out to the Gardner airport and have a good time at hangar C-17. This year starting at 3pm I will have some of the food ready and we will be doing a spot landing and bomb drop competition. So come on out and have a little fun! I supply all the meat and will prime the pump for adult beverages for when we’re done flying. You’re welcome to bring a side or dessert and anything you’d like to drink. I hope to see everyone there!
Events, Play Day
Howdy everyone. Just a note to inform you that the IAC15 Aerobatic Box will be open to IAC members for practice June 2nd, 2018 from 9am to 4pm. Meeting and parking at Advanced Aviation South of Hangar 5.
Hope to see you there
John Wittenborn
Play Day
Hello everyone. Just a note to remind you of the play day at IXD, New Century Air Service FBO on the East side of the airport; this Saturday, the 22nd of July. The airspace NOTAM is published for 8am to 6pm. I’d like to get response from those who might be interested in flying so I can plan accordingly. It’s forecast to be the hottest day of the year so an early show for flying would probably be in order. So, please respond if you plan to attend Saturday.
John Wittenborn IAC15
Play Day
IAC 15 will have the box over KIXD open on Saturday, July 22nd starting at 8am.
Those interested should meet at New Century Air Services on the east side of the airport.
Play Day
Hello everyone;
Just an update on future events. I would like to send out an inquiry to anyone interested in flying in the aerobatic box over IXD Saturday, June 3rd? Send me a reply if you care to fly and I’ll set it up. Remember we need at least 2 participants to fly in the box; one to fly and one to act as a spotter on a hand-held radio.
Also, there will be Chapter 15 meeting June 26th, 7pm at Signature Flight Support at New Century Air Center.
Put the date on you calendar and we’ll look forward to seeing you then and there.
John Wittenborn
Chapter Information, Meetings, Play Day
Hello everyone. I’d like to have an IAC Chapter 15 meeting this month on Monday the 27th at Signature FBO to discuss scheduling Summer play days, club gatherings and cookouts as well as the aerobatic box and flight procedures. Paul Holland, the IXD tower chief, indicated he would be available most anytime this month and would be included in our discussion. I’d like to have an idea of how many can attend the meeting before Paul commits to attending. If you would please respond to this query I’d appreciate it very much. You can respond by e-mailing me at chiller_52@yahoo.com.
Best regards:
John Wittenborn, IAC15 President
Meetings, Play Day
IAC members interested in flying in the aerobatic box this Saturday, May 7th should indicate that interest by replying to this note. The box will be available from 09:00 to 16:00 hrs. The airspace waiver will be available to sign and those who wish to fly should indicate that interest so a ground spotter with a radio can assist with the flight operation.
John Wittenborn, President IAC15
Play Day
Hello everyone. Just a note to remind you of our IAC15 meeting, Monday, March 21st at the Signature Flight Support FBO, New Century Air Center, at 7pm. We’ll review the new waiver as well as the procedures for flying in the aerobatic box over the New Century Air Center. The aerobatic box will be open to all IAC members for flying on April 2nd. Times and gathering place on the airport to be announced later.
Please join us Monday at 7pm.
John Wittenborn
Chapter Information, Meetings, Play Day
Hello everyone. Just a reminder about our meeting and play day, this Saturday, June 6th, 09:00am at Signature FBO, on the West side of New Century Air Center. Come join us for coffee and cakes and a day of flying. We will do some strategic planning and provide some updates for our contest in in August. That date is fast approaching and we’ll need as much help as we can muster to start putting it together. Saturday’s weather forecast, at this point, appears to be favorable for flying.
Plan to join us this Saturday. We’ll look forward to seeing you.
John Wittenborn
Meetings, Play Day
Hello everyone; since this month’s meeting falls on a rather busy holiday, I would like to change the May meeting to coincide with our play day the first Saturday in June; June 6th. We’ll meet at Signature at 09:00 for a short business meeting and fly there after.
See you at the play day June 6.
John Wittenborn
Chapter Information, Meetings, Play Day