IAC15 Update
Hello everyone. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving holiday.
A few things of importance to relay to you:
1. The IAC15 Christmas party will be on January 9th, 17:00hrs at the Wittenborn’s home. More info and directions will follow later. As the date approaches, I’ll ask that you RSVP please. So, put the date on your calendar.
2. For those who care to join us, we’ll plan to gather for breakfast at “We Be Smokin” this Saturday, at 9:30 at the Miami County Airport
If we can gather a quorum, we’ll call it a meeting. Weather looks like it might be just fine for a morning flight.
3. Unless, of course, we have a quorum this Saturday, our chapter meeting would normally fall on Monday the 28th this month; the Monday following Christmas. If anyone has suggestions for a different date, I’ll certainly entertain those. We have a slate of officers to vote on for 2016. They are: Rod Flinn, President; John Ostmeyer, Vice President; Grant Wittenborn, Secretary; Dave Maine, Treasurer; Nan Funkhauser, Reporter; John Wittenborn, Member-at-large. Anyone with suggestions for additional candidates speak up.
Well, that’s about all for now. Put the January 9th date on your calendars and hope to see you for breakfast this Saturday in Miami County.
John Wittenborn, IAC15 President.