
Archive for the ‘Events’ Category

Sept 7th Play-Day at IXD

September 3rd, 2019
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I hope everyone enjoyed their Labor Day. This a quick note to remind everyone of upcoming events this month. First is our Play Day at IXD this Saturday starting around 10am-ish. As always we will be flying off of the CAF ramp on the north end of the field and everyone is welcome.

Next on the calendar is my hangar party on Sept 14th. Again all are welcome to come out to the Gardner airport and have a good time at hangar C-17. This year starting at 3pm I will have some of the food ready and we will be doing a spot landing and bomb drop competition. So come on out and have a little fun! I supply all the meat and will prime the pump for adult beverages for when we’re done flying. You’re welcome to bring a side or dessert and anything you’d like to drink. I hope to see everyone there!


Events, Play Day

Aces High Contest

August 21st, 2017
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Hello everyone. Just a note to remind you of the Aces High contest at Newton Ks.(KEWK) on September 9th & 10th.
I got the following note from David Marten, contest director:

Are you ware of any IAC 15 pilots heading to Newton, KS for our 2017 ACE’s High Contest? With the pre-registration system down we’re having trouble getting decent estimates on how many pilots are competing.
2017 will be a Power-only contest as the USAFA Glider Team is not attending this year.
I’d appreciate your ‘best-guess’ and ask your members to please RSVP to or give me a call at 605-390-8044
We’re also looking for another Judge. If any of your guys are interested we’ll reimburse lodging expenses.

Dave Marten
IAC 119 President / Contest Director

Anyone planning to participate or who could help with the contest, give please give David a call or send him a note.

The next IAC15 meeting will be September 25th.

John Wittenborn
IAC15 President

Chapter Information, Contests, Events

Play Day

July 1st, 2016

Hello everyone. Just a note to advise you there will be no play day this Saturday due to the forecasted inclement weather. If there’s any interest in rescheduling the event later in the month, let me know and I’ll make it happen.

Have a safe 4th of July.

John Wittenborn


Weekend Fly-in

April 8th, 2016

Just a note for those who may be interested. The Ottawa airport (KOWI) hosts a fly-in breakfast the second Saturday of each month through October. Anyone interested in having breakfast together at Ottawa Airport beginning at 7am is welcome to attend.

John Wittenborn, IAC15 Chapter President


Party Reminder

January 8th, 2016

Just a reminder of the Christmas party tomorrow; 6pm at the Wittenborns; 1420 E. Sleepy Hollow Drive, Olathe, Ks. If you haven’t indicated that you’ll attend please do so by e-mail: or calling 913.486.4123
See you at the party

Chapter Information, Events

IAC Chapter 15 Christmas Party 2015

December 27th, 2015

The annual Christmas party will be held at Wittenborn residence again this year.  Put January 9th on your calendars, 5pm.

As in previous years, meat will be provided along with basic sides and drinks.  Please bring a side dish or dessert of your liking.

All members, friends and family members of IAC Chapter 15 are cordially invited.

IAC Chapter 15 Christmas Party
January 9th, 5pm
Wittenborn’s Residence  
1420 E. Sleepy Hollow Drive
Olathe, KS  66062  (map)

Clicking the map link above will open a Google maps page whereby you may enter your address to generate driving directions.

Please RSVP to with the number of guests attending and the side/dessert you plan on bringing.

Merry Christmas and a safe and prosperous 2016!

Chapter Information, Events, Meetings

IAC15 Update

December 1st, 2015

Hello everyone. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving holiday.
A few things of importance to relay to you:
1. The IAC15 Christmas party will be on January 9th, 17:00hrs at the Wittenborn’s home. More info and directions will follow later. As the date approaches, I’ll ask that you RSVP please. So, put the date on your calendar.

2. For those who care to join us, we’ll plan to gather for breakfast at “We Be Smokin” this Saturday, at 9:30 at the Miami County Airport
If we can gather a quorum, we’ll call it a meeting. Weather looks like it might be just fine for a morning flight.

3. Unless, of course, we have a quorum this Saturday, our chapter meeting would normally fall on Monday the 28th this month; the Monday following Christmas. If anyone has suggestions for a different date, I’ll certainly entertain those. We have a slate of officers to vote on for 2016. They are: Rod Flinn, President; John Ostmeyer, Vice President; Grant Wittenborn, Secretary; Dave Maine, Treasurer; Nan Funkhauser, Reporter; John Wittenborn, Member-at-large. Anyone with suggestions for additional candidates speak up.

Well, that’s about all for now. Put the January 9th date on your calendars and hope to see you for breakfast this Saturday in Miami County.

John Wittenborn, IAC15 President.

Chapter Elections, Chapter Information, Events


November 6th, 2015

Hi folks, I need to correct the date for the breakfast meeting in Paola. The date is tomorrow, Saturday, November7, 9:30am at We Be Smokin. Sorry for the confusion. Hope you can join us.

Chapter Information, Events

Chapter 15 Updates

November 5th, 2015

Hello everyone. Just a note to update our Chapter15 events discussed at our last meeting in October.

1. This Saturday, Nov. 8th we plan on gathering for breakfast at the Miami County Airport. We’ll meet at We B Smokin at 09:30 Saturday morning.
Should be a good day for flying; sunny and temperatures in the 50’s.

2. Date for the Chapter15 Christmas (Holiday) party is January 9th, 2016; second Saturday in January. Place and time to be determined. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend.

3. Slate of Chapter officers for 2016 nominates; Rod Flinn, President; John Ostmeyer, Vice President; Dave Maine, Treasurer; Grant Wittenborn, Secretary; Nan Funkhouser, Reporter; John Wittenborn, Member at Large. Anyone caring to nominate someone for office send me a note or attend the November meeting on the 23rd.

That’s all for now. Hope to see you this Saturday for Breakfast.

John Wittenborn, President.

Chapter Elections, Events, Meetings

Contest Updates. Playday this Weekend

August 20th, 2015

Hello everyone; just a note to bring you up to date on our contest plans and to let you all know, we’ll be meeting this Saturday at 09:00 at Signature Flight Support FBO, New Century Air Center to place the aerobatic box markers, corner sighting devices and go over forms and registration material. Once the Markers are in place, the box will be available for practice this Saturday until 17:00 LCL or until cancelled by participants. If you’re available come on out to help and fly.

Nan will position her trailer next to Dave Hayden’s hangar on Thursday, the 27th, at her convenience. Dave has agreed to our use of his hangar for electricity and aircraft storage if necessary and I’m meeting with him today to confirm. The IXD airport manager has asked that the ramp overlay construction (Phase 3) be delayed to accommodate our contest our contest.

Friday, the 28th and registration date, we’ll meet with staff and volunteers at 17:00, again at the Signature FBO. We’ll give our volunteers a run-thru on duties and procedures; specifically the corner (“line” judges) judges on the use of the sighting devices and communication procedures. And of course Saturday & Sunday, the 29th and 30th our contest will begin with the pilot and staff briefings promptly at 08:00 hrs. Any questions about flying or duties and volunteering please send me a note or give me a call.

Best Regards: John Wittenborn: 913.486.4123

Chapter Information, Contests, Events, Meetings