2020 Harold Neumann Barnstormer
May 14th, 2020
I happy to announce that after an officers meeting of the Kansas City Aerobatic Club, the 2020 Harold Neumann Barnstormer is a GO! We are excited to see all our aerobatic friends on June 5-6 at the Ottawa Municipal Airport (KOWI).
By the time of our contest Kansas, and Franklin County, should be in Phase 3 of their reopening plan. This will mean bars and restaurants will be open and we are allowed gatherings of up to 90 people. It was asked for me to point out that Ottawa, being in Franklin County, is just far enough outside of KC that they are using the state schedule and not the KC metro schedule which is roughly a week behind.
There is a lot of work left to do but the chapter officers and myself feel that the time is right to finally start flying. I will be meeting with the Ottawa Airport to finalize the setup, working with hotels and rental cars, and making sure the food is good to go. Please watch the IAC Contest Calendar page for updates on hotels and rental cars. Grant Wittenborn has offered to make sure our tables and chairs on the judges line are in good shape and transport them to Ottawa. Dave Maine is working on the T shirts, although this year we will be taking orders at the contest and mailing your t shirt to you afterwards. Paul Thomson has the trophy’s ready to go. Closer in we will need help setting the box, judges line and all the little things that pop up last minute. Linda Meyers Morrissey has offered to be our very capable Chief Judge.
I would like to thank everyone that has helped up to this point and who has volunteered to help out in the coming days and weeks. This is a community effort and could not happen with out your support. If you would like to help out or have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch with me. And finally if you are a chapter leader please let your chapter know that the contest is going ahead as planned, we would love to have a great showing for what may turn out to be the first contest of the year. Now go start practicing!!
Fly Safe,
John Ostmeyer
Chapter President