October 2021 Meeting and Play Day
September 29th, 2021
Good morning. Dave Lutes, Phillip Gragg and Craig Fitzgerald flew for Chapter 15 at the contest and Craig finished 3rd in Intermediate behind Michael Lents (in a Decathalon!) and Tom Rhodes. Phillip Gragg also flew under the Chapter 15 banner and took home the 3rd place trophy in Sportsman
This Saturday (October 2nd) will be our last scheduled Play Day for the year. I will be out of town, but I filed the NOTAM for IXD from 10am-5pm. Plan on getting together on the CAF ramp on the north side of the field. I wish I could be there but work calls. I hope everyone has a good time.
October is also a meeting month, and we will be meeting Friday Oct 15th at our normal spot in the VAA hangar at the Gardner Airport at 6pm. Everyone is welcome to come out and talk aerobatics. We will plan to recap the Nationals as well as start setting up for next year’s contest and judge’s school. Also, we will need to set a date for our Christmas party in December.
Now go out and enjoy the best time of year to fly in the Midwest!